B&B Host Carol Ross recently wrote,
Spring is in the air!! The sun is hot on my back through my kitchen window. We have nearly 11 hours of daylight now and we are gaining over half an hour a week. The south facing snow banks along the roads are melting away showing dripping ice cycles and exposing more dark sand which speeds up the process even more.
The Alaska Botanical Garden’s 5th Annual Spring Garden Conference is this coming Saturday
the 12th at the UAA Library featuring Roger Swain, of PBS Victory Garden fame, as the keynote speaker. All gardeners who cannot wait to get hands in the dirt are sure to be inspired and may find it difficult to choose which of the 4 or 5 sessions to attend at each of the 5 one hour time slots. It is advised to register ahead for Cultivating Community by calling 907-770-3692 or on line.
This summer, Anchorage bed and breakfast inns will uphold Anchorage’s moniker, ‘city of flowers’ with beautiful colors and varieties. Plan to visit, and gardening enthusiasts among the B&B hosts will share their favorite spots around town for your garden tours.
Innkeepers Anchorage Alaska Bed & Breakfast Association